Sunday, November 25, 2012

Comments People Make When You've Lost 40 Pounds

Now that I have lost 40 pounds since arriving in Spain, I get lots of comments. You'd think, therefore, that someone would say, "Congratulations for getting healthier," or maybe even "Congratulations. You look great!"


Here are the most common comments, almost all from overweight Americans:
  • "I hope you're not going to lose any more weight."
  • "You're not going to lose any more weight, are you?"
  • "Are you still on that diet of yours? You're looking a little sallow."
  • "Hey, Skinny Zimmerman." (A fellow missionary says this every time he sees me.)
  • "Your weight loss has made you look, well, different." (Oh, really?)
  • "I'm just not willing to give up good food." (Stated outright twice, but hinted at several other times.)
  • "You're not going to lose any more weight, are you?" (I repeat this one because a half dozen people have said that to me, and not in a positive or jovial manner. I feel like asking them, "And what weight do you think is optimal for my good health?")
  • "I need to lose some weight." (A half dozen people made this type of comment.)
Some comments have been a little more positive. For example, some ask, "How do you feel?" I tell them I feel great.

The most clever comment was from President Tenney, our temple president, after he'd been away for three weeks. When he first saw me after his return, he said,
  • "Hi, I'm Pres. Tenney. You must be the half brother of the guy I picked up at the airport six months ago!"
Very clever.


  1. I would feel bad for you, but I have been asked, on multiple occasions, if I am pregnant, when I am not. I'd rather have someone say, "you need to eat!" than "you look like you have a 10 lb. infant under your shirt."

    That said, I think you look WONDERFUL! Good job!

  2. I agree with Andrea. Although people say things that are, perhaps, offensive when we lose weight (been there, have the t-shirt, then had to get it in a bigger size when I gained all the weight back), I'd MUCH rather have people insult me by saying I look too thin than insult me by asking me when I'm due. Or if I'm my children's grandmother (since grandmother's are fat). OR like last week when Xavier's teacher told me that he'd told her I'd just had a baby. Yeah....not so fun.
